Monday, May 4, 2009

5/4 - Happy Gotcha Day to Kimberly and Happy Birthday to Me! Don't ask me how, but we got more sleep last night than in Beijing - even on a hard bed. I think we both decided to stop worrying about it; since we can't predict or change anything now. What will be will be. And so it was. We woke up early and baby-proofed the room then headed down to breakfast which was as good as Beijing - missing the EAC company. We did meet 4 other couples with babies that are staying on the same floor of the hotel. Vickie, our local guide, met us in the lobby at 10:00 and drove us to the local Adoption Center. We arrived 10 minutes before Qin-Qin (Cheen-Cheen) or Kimberly, not sure yet what we are going to call her. We were in a small room with 4 other families who were also receiving their babies. She came in with the Orphanage Director and we recognized her right away. Dan started filling out the paperwork and I held her for a few minutes. When it was time to sign papers we switched and he held her for a bit. We found out that she has been living in foster care since January 2008 and her heart condition has disappeared. She has/had an older sister that is about 10 years old. That means all the cousins will act as her big sisters and Mikayla will have to be the big, big sister. She received the care package because she was wearing the outfit and had the doll that I bought. They also told us about her daily schedule, food intake, potty breaks, play time and personality. The Director said she is quiet, introverted and does not take well to strangers. Well she sure took to Dan! He gave her his best play face and she loved it - laughs and giggles a minute. She accepts me for the time being, but is unsure. I can see it in her eyes. The meeting lasted about 15-20 minutes and we all headed back to the hotel, stopping first at the super market for formula. We had to sign a 24 hour trial agreement and will go back tomorrow for the final adoption paperwork. After spending sometime in the room, we went down to the restaurant for some lunch. Kimberly started to have a fit when I, and then Dan, tried to pick her up. Apparently, she is independent and wants to walk herself! We were told she likes steamed rice, steamed egg, congee and vegetables. We ordered some egg for her, which she really didn't take to or she may have been nervous and unsure around us. We all went upstairs and spent time together and then laid down for a nap. She was asleep in less than a minute. Around 4:30 we woke her up gently and she remembered us. Two other families were in the hotel playroom and we joined them for 30 minutes. She looked and listened to the other babies, but didn't want to leave Daddy's side. Back in the room she and Dan had a good play session which turned into some hitting and biting. We toned it down and decided to try the restaurant again for dinner - steamed rice this time. After we ordered, Dan ran up to the room to get her bottle and she was on the edge of a meltdown. I saw the tears welling up in her eyes and she was frantically rubbing her nose and eyes. When he came back she settled down and ate. Rice was a good choice; she ate almost the whole bowl! We each had hamburgers - which weren't our kind of burgers. The three of us headed back to the room for some quiet play time and a bath. She is used to two baths a day in a small basin and was not sure about a bath in the tub with us. We got through it with some fear in the eyes and a big towel to dry off followed by pajamas from Cousin Jen. Kimberly and Dan laid down on the bed about 9 with a bottle (only Kimberly) while I started some laundry. She looked at him with big eyes and was trying to process what was happening. After 10 minutes she fell asleep and has had what appears to be two bad dreams with flailing arms and shaking head. I'm sure this is part of the grieving process that we will see for the next few months. We are on the lookout for all behaviours and are confident we will all fall into a happy family unit. As behaviour goes, she is able to see and hear, follow sounds and motion, able to walk/half-run down the halls, climb on and off the bed, hold a bottle and sippy cup, play with dolls, starting to play with crayons, laugh and smile, climb stairs, stack blocks, throw a ball and lightly play the piano. Her personality will change in the coming months, but for now, she doesn't want to hold our hands, tolerates being held, lets us touch her all over and seems to be hesitant about me. She will make and hold eye contact, but didn't want Dan's glasses on his face. She babbles and seems to understand her name Qin-Qin, but I don't think has spoken any real words to us. For now, all is well and we'll see what tomorrow brings. We had some email troubles tonight but I think Dan got it fixed after she fell asleep. We have taken TONS of pictures and one day will get them posted on this blog. If not, we'll have a link to all pics at the end of this trip.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful, wonderful post. And of course Dan is a big teddy bear. ;) I can't wait to see "the family" once y'all get settled, and Qin-Qin is adjusted. Funny on name similarity. My youngest daughter had a close friend in high school named Qian-Qian (which she said as chin-chin. Totally an american girl though. Y'all are going to be great, and you missed a huge upset in the derby. (heehee)
