Monday, June 8, 2009

5/31 - 6/7 It's not all sunshine and roses; we've had some issues this week. Kimberly has turned into a two year old (which is actually a week early) before our eyes. She wants what she wants and can scream if she doesn't get it. I told Dan that we have to be careful. There is a fine line between giving her love and comfort and rewarding a spoiled child. I believe she is trying to work us into the second one. She has really taken to Mikayla and Emma with lots of hugs and handholding. Cousin Jillian came over one day last week and she played very well with her, also. Dan has been working mornings and I have been working afternoons, so the grandparents are watching her for a few hours in the afternoon. Last Thursday, Dan didn't have to work so he got her for the whole day! He found out that it is hard to keep on her schedule and still get your daily work done. Everything I do revolves around her schedule. Is it snack time? Is it nap time? Is it potty time? She loves to go. If she had her way, we would shop everyday. Lucky for us, she hasn't figured out that she needs toys or cookies every time we go out. On Monday she went to her doctor's appointment with the international adoption specialists at University Hospital. The appt was almost two hours long and they examined, measured and charted every inch of her body. Her growth is on track with her measurements from a year ago and she is around the 50 percentile on the international growth charts. I don't know how that compares to the US growth charts. She screamed and cried when they did the eye, nose, ears and mouth exam. She was pretty good for the blood draw and TB skin test. We won't know results till later this week when everything is sent to our pediatrician. We have an appt there on Friday morning. University suggested we follow up with a cardiologist to assess the heart. They felt she was a healthy child with no obvious conditions. Developmentally they ranked her younger than she is, but I have already seen tons of improvement since we have been home from China. In another 3-6 months I suspect she will be on track with her age group. Wednesday evening April (Stepnicka) came over with her three boys. Kimberly had never met them before, but took straight to playing with them. She was sharing toys and knocking down the block towers they were building. She has gotten pretty good at waving and saying Bye-Bye. That is the one word she really knows and uses correctly. She has started to repeat some words, but I don't think she knows what they mean. She doesn't say the words "I'm hungry" or "I'm tired", but we can read the signs! This coming Friday is her doctor's appt with the pediatrician and Sunday is her two year old birthday. We are latching on to Emma's birthday party and having an hour for Kimberly while the family is all around. This coming week will be a full month since we've been home and we've got to take some more pictures!

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